An Alberta Canada judge yesterday threw out most of a $975,000 wrongful -death lawsuit filed by a Calgary man who accused Jehovah's Witnesses members of influencing his teenaged daughters decision to refuse blood transfusions when she fell ill with leukemia. Lawrence will be on the conference call tonight and give us an update on what takes place next. If you want to come on the call dial (712)432 8710 use pin number 9925. There is no caharge for the call, only your normal calling rate.
kool aid man06
JoinedPosts by kool aid man06
wrongful death suit dismissed-Lawrence Hughes on the call tonight
by kool aid man06 inan alberta canada judge yesterday threw out most of a $975,000 wrongful -death lawsuit filed by a calgary man who accused jehovah's witnesses members of influencing his teenaged daughters decision to refuse blood transfusions when she fell ill with leukemia.
lawrence will be on the conference call tonight and give us an update on what takes place next.
if you want to come on the call dial (712)432 8710 use pin number 9925. there is no caharge for the call, only your normal calling rate.
Elders who have destroyed people's lives on the conference call 6/21
by kool aid man06 inon saturday june 21 at 7p.m.est the rapidly growing conference call will be focused on elders who have destroyed people's lives!
our guests will be former new york elder, charles riley who will tell his story of cover-ups in the org.
from the local level all the way to the top.
kool aid man06
Hello! Wasanelder once, "if you are the third caller in tonight's call you win a free copy of the newly released book "Keep yourselves in God's Love"! All kidding aside, this conference call is working in a very unique way. The ability to listen in to all those who have been effected by the Watchtower org. and hear unbelievaible stories from real people encourages one to pack their bags and leave the 'cult'.It also offers support for those who have 'wiggled their way loose'. Wasanelderonce, it would be great if you could come on tonight's call "Elder night" and let the callers know how you behaved as an elder! If you do not wish to be known, ask for the "voice changer".
Elders who have destroyed people's lives on the conference call 6/21
by kool aid man06 inon saturday june 21 at 7p.m.est the rapidly growing conference call will be focused on elders who have destroyed people's lives!
our guests will be former new york elder, charles riley who will tell his story of cover-ups in the org.
from the local level all the way to the top.
kool aid man06
If you are an elder or a Ministerial Servant and would like to tell the callers,including the active Witnesses on how you behaved as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and would like to remain anonymous , ask for the voice changer, and your identity will be hidden. So many Servants in the org. are seeing the curtains, or the "screens that the Watchtower is hiding behind.". Now is the time to dial in and voice your opinion on how you really feel about the Watchtower org.
Elders who have destroyed people's lives on the conference call 6/21
by kool aid man06 inon saturday june 21 at 7p.m.est the rapidly growing conference call will be focused on elders who have destroyed people's lives!
our guests will be former new york elder, charles riley who will tell his story of cover-ups in the org.
from the local level all the way to the top.
kool aid man06
For those still wondering what the conference call is hit this link listen in on past recorded calls.If you have a story to tell about any elder that has caused difficulty in your life come on the call and tell us about it.God's servants are not all cracked up to be who some think they are.
Elders who have destroyed people's lives on the conference call 6/21
by kool aid man06 inon saturday june 21 at 7p.m.est the rapidly growing conference call will be focused on elders who have destroyed people's lives!
our guests will be former new york elder, charles riley who will tell his story of cover-ups in the org.
from the local level all the way to the top.
kool aid man06
On Saturday June 21 at 7p.m.EST the rapidly growing conference call will be focused on Elders who have destroyed people's lives! Our guests will be former New York Elder, Charles Riley who will tell his story of cover-ups in the org. from the local level all the way to the top. Dick Borghi onetime Ministerial Servant knows for sure that Jehovah's Servants are not appointed by Holy Spirit. His story will show it could not be possible!
If you have experienced how Elders have ruined a good part of your life and caused much misery and would like to tell your story this week post a small tidbit of what happened on this thread and suggest you would like to tell your story on the call. We will private mail you special info.on getting on as a moderator. For all those who would like to join us listen in on Saturday June 21 at 7p.m. EST by dialing (712)432-8710 use pin 9925. There is no charge for the call only your normal calling rate. You do not need a computer just dial and pin. If you are an active Witness dialing in and do not want to be known ask for the voice changer.
June 7 call up on six screens Anderson,Hess,Penton, listen in!
by kool aid man06 into listen to june 7 call here is the link.
kool aid man06
The next conference call will be on Saturday June 21 at 7p.m EST. Several guests have been lined up for future calls. Jim Penton, author of the books APOCALYPSE DELAYED, and JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND THE THIRD REICH. Also Mark Palo, who will tell his story of being raped at Bethel by a Governing Body Member. Another guest will be Dick Borghi, a former Ministerial Servant who will share with us the story of how he was getting ready to be appointed as an Elder (By Holy Spirit), while he was involved in questionable behavior. Wait till you find out what it was!
June 7 call up on six screens Anderson,Hess,Penton, listen in!
by kool aid man06 into listen to june 7 call here is the link.
kool aid man06
yknot, that's a great 'thank you' sign! Thank you for responding. The conference call is getting a lot of attention. In fact we are trying to put together a JWD night where we can all talk together.
June 7 call up on six screens Anderson,Hess,Penton, listen in!
by kool aid man06 into listen to june 7 call here is the link.
kool aid man06
To listen to June 7 call here is the link.
conference call interview with Bill Bowen and cult exposer Robert Porter
by kool aid man06 in2008.. the may 24th conference call with bill and janet bowen bringing us up to date with the widespread problem of child abuse in the watchtower org.
was listened to by many people, including active witnesses.
robert porter, renowned cult exposer, explained how just about all the destructive cults engage in deviant sexual abuse.
kool aid man06© 2008. The May 24th conference call With Bill and Janet Bowen bringing us up to date with the widespread problem of child abuse in the Watchtower org. was listened to by many people, including active Witnesses. Robert Porter, renowned cult exposer, explained how just about all the destructive cults engage in deviant sexual abuse. Of interest was that about three quarters of the way into the call strange animal-like sounds, and weird electronic transmissions could be heard. This lasted for approximately five minutes. We are not sure what was causing this but, some have suggested sabotage and a deliberate attempt to disrupt the call. See the link below.
I feel very sorry
by mouthy inlast night i listened to the conferance call with the bowens.
i thought it was excellent .i feel they are doing a marvelous work & are to be commended .
i am very sorry i upset bob porter.
kool aid man06
Hello! Mrs. Doubtfire, I came across your post and there is no reason for you to feel sorry. Bob Porter is a very mature man and he certainly was not offended by you not using the name Jehovah. The main reason we used the name Jehovah on our conference call and on our website is to make it more friendly or at least in Jehovah's Witnesses vernacular or language more appropriate. In our house church, Upper Room Ministries, we very seldom use the name Jehovah. We refer to God as 'father', Jesus, Lord. So there is no reason,Mouthy, for you to feel upset today, and we never want you to say you are not coming on our conference call again. WE would miss our 'caller from Canada' as you add so much "color". The recording of the May 24 call will be online this week. You can play it back and see that nobody was offended by your not wanting to use the name Jehovah. Below is a link to previous conference calls.